Degree Requirements

The total course units required for graduation is 20.



Course Units

Core Requirements

Mathematical Methods of Physics

Quantum Mechanics I

Quantum Mechanics II


Select an additional 15 course units *

Total Course Units


*One course must be outside the student's field of specialization. Up to 11 course units can come from independent research or reading courses.

Requirements for the Doctorate

  1. A grade of B+ or higher in each of Math Methods (Physics 5500) (Physics 500), Electrodynamics (Physics 5516) (Physics 516) and Quantum I and II (Physics 5531/5532) (Physics 531/532).
  2. Successful completion of 20 graduate-level courses (including no more than 11 course credits for research and reading courses). These courses must include the four courses in requirement 1, Statistical Mechanics (6611) (611), and one course outside the student's field of specialization.
  3. An Oral Candidacy Exam must be taken within 18 months of the successful completion of the four required courses in requirement 1.
  4. Annual progress reports. From the time of successful completion of the Candidacy exam, until successful defense of the Ph.D. dissertation, the student and the three-member committee must provide annual progress reports to the Associate Chair for Graduate Affairs.
  5. A dissertation based on original and significant research in physics, astronomy or a related field.

Requirements for the Master's Degree

  1. Grades of B or higher in each of Math Methods (Physics 5500) (Physics 500), Electrodynamics (Physics 5516) (Physics 516), and Quantum I and II (Physics 5531/5532) (Physics 531/532).
  2. Satisfactory completion of four additional graduate-level courses with scores of B or better, at least one of which must be offered by the Physics and Astronomy Department. Up to three courses may be from other departments, provided they are in subjects related to Physics and Astronomy.
  3. There is no language requirement, but there is a one-year residency requirement.


In the Department of Physics and Astronomy, graduate courses are typically graded on a compressed scale. Passing grades are assigned between B and A+: a B- or lower is given for poor performance.

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GAPSA)

GAPSA strives to enhance the Penn graduate student experience through a diversified array of initiatives with an emphasis on promoting interdisciplinary research and bringing students from different disciplines together.