Empowering patients to manage their asthma for a lifetime

Globally there are 300 million people with asthma, making it one of the most common long-term conditions. myAsthma provides 24-hour self-management, education and expert advice to patients with adult asthma.

For Patients

myAsthma brings you the world's first online self-management app helping you to achieve the very best control. Built by asthma experts and patients, myAsthma puts you in control like never before. Suitable for users 12 years of age or older.

Educational course

A complete educational course to help you manage your asthma.

educational course

inhaler technique

Inhaler technique training

Learn how to take your inhalers correctly using our unique set of inhaler videos. My asthma contains videos for every inhaler device (and spacer). Access to these has been shown to correct 98% of inhaler errors.

Online peak flow and symptom tracking

The peak flow and symptoms diary allows you to track your morning and evening peak flow, alongside your day and nighttime symptoms.

peak flow

lung function

Lung function

View your lung function and upload reports using the lung function tile. Monitor trends of your lung function over time using the reports button.

Symptom and assessment tracking

myAsthma collects your daily symptoms and stores them in a report, so you can keep track of how well your asthma is controlled.

Symptoms and Assessment Tracking

Weather, pollution and pollen forecast

Weather, Pollution and pollen forecasting

Weather, pollution and pollen can all impact on your symptoms, you can view the latest reports and guidance for your current location.

Action plan

The myAsthma action plan allows you to understand what medication to take and when. Patients who use an action plan, have been shown to have fewer asthma attacks and are 4 times less likely to be admitted to hospital with their asthma. Action plans help you understand the signs and symptoms that show your asthma is getting worse, and how to adjust your medication.

action plan

patient notification


This is where you may receive information from your clinician, or where messages from the app, about your asthma control, are received.

Asthma Checklist

There are several important checks you need to make sure your asthma is well controlled, and to reduce your risk of long term complications. The asthma checklist allows you to keep track of these.

Asthma Checklist

Educational Topics

What is Asthma? Symptoms Overview Medication Introduction Reliever & Preventer Inhalers Long-Acting & Combination Inhalers SMART or MART Inhalers Leukotriene Medication Theophylline Medication Bronchial Thermoplasty Anti IGE Medication Asthma Attacks Smoking Cessation Asthma Triggers Coping with Stress

For Clinicians

myAsthma allows you to manage your patient population like never before. And with regular updates to content and features, you'll always be one step ahead for your patients.

Manage your patient population

The patient dashboard shows you which patients are under your care, their current symptoms and ACT score.

patient population


Improving health care efficiency

View your patients on the local geography using the map function, enabling you to manage your community team efficiently prioritising patients most at need.

Locate and view your patient's profile either using the clinical dashboard or via the map function.

Patient profile

The patient profile page allows you to instantly view key aspects of your patient's asthma profile. You can change their asthma medication, view your medication selection against national guidelines and update their key details to deliver their annual review. Anything you update on the profile, updates your patients myAsthma platform - change their inhaler device? This instantly delivers the new medication to the medication diary, updates their action plan and adds the relevant inhaler video to their device.

patient dashboard

lung function

Lung function

Upload and view previous spirometry for your patient and track their pulmonary function over time, in reports.

Real-time patient symptom tracking

The reports function allows you to track their symptoms and assessments in real-time.

symptom tracking

inhaler videos

Clinician education

View your prescriptions against national guidelines, check medication conflicts and assess overall monthly cost of your prescription. Use the inhaler video tab to update yourself on inhaler education, on all inhaler devices, or use the video button to deliver education to the patient at their community or clinic visit.

Send messages or notifications

Send messages to individual patients, identified patient groups or broadcast health messages to your patients for free. Also, any changes you make to the patient record e.g. change of medication – will be sent automatically to your patient in their notification tile, and update their application, instantly.

send message

Request a free demo or find out more

Call us on 01202 299 583

Open 8 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)