DKE CrestDelta Kappa Epsilon

Delta Kappa Epsilon is an organization that is built on the bonds of brotherhood, pride in the fraternity, and support for one another. The mission of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity is to develop in men a social consciousness and a commitment to think and act for the greater good. The Objects of Delta Kappa Epsilon are as follows: "The cultivation of general literature and social culture, the advancement and encouragement of intellectual excellence, the promotion of honorable friendship and useful citizenship, the development of a spirit of tolerance and respect for the rights and views of others, the maintenance of gentlemanly dignity, self-respect, and morality in all circumstances, and the union of stout hearts and kindred interests to secure, to merit its due reward."

Our Values


Foster a strong sense of unity, camaraderie, and lifelong connections among members.

Upholding Actions:
- Big Brother Mentorship
- Regular Bonding Events
- Alumni Involvement

Uphold the highest standards of honesty, accountability, and ethical conduct.

Upholding Actions:
- Ethics Workshops
- Code of Conduct
- Accountability Partners

Value and embrace diverse perspectives, treating every individual with respect and dignity.

Upholding Actions:
- Rules Surrounding Inclusion
- Incident Addressing
- Zero-Tolerance Policy


Strive to develop confident and responsible leaders who contribute positively to the fraternity and the greater Indiana University community.

Upholding Actions:
- Leadership Workshops
- Community Involvement

Academic Excellence

Emphasize the importance of education and intellectual growth.

Upholding Actions:
- Study Groups
- Academic Achievement Awards

Service and Philanthropy

Give back to the community through meaningful service projects and philanthropic initiatives.

Upholding Actions:
- Regular Service Events
- Philanthropic Campaigns
- Partnerships with Nonprofits


Create an environment where all members feel valued, included, and empowered to contribute their unique strengths and ideas.

Upholding Actions:
- Diversity and Inclusion Training
- Open Feedback Channels
- Inclusive Programming

Personal Growth

Provide opportunities for personal development, self-discovery, and skill-building.

Upholding Actions:
- Skill Workshops
- Leadership Development Plans

Responsible Social Engagement

Promote responsible decision-making in social activities, emphasizing safety, respect, and well-being.

Upholding Actions:
- Safety Guidelines
- Designated Drivers
- Alcohol Education

Community Engagement

Actively engage with the broader campus and local community, building positive relationships and being contributing members of society.

Upholding Actions:
- Collaborative Events
- Local Outreach
- Community Cleanup

Tradition and Innovation

Honor the fraternity's rich history while embracing innovation and adaptability.

Upholding Actions:
- Legacy Celebrations
- Technology Utilization

Prioritize the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of members.

Upholding Actions:
- Organized Group Fitness
- Supportive Environment

Our Orgin

Delta Kappa Epsilon was founded on June 22, 1844,[1] in room number twelve in the corner of Old South Hall on the campus of Yale College in New Haven, Connecticut. The fifteen founders were:[1] William Woodruff Atwater, Dr. Edward Griffin Bartlett, Frederic Peter Bellinger, Jr., Henry Case, Colonel George Foote Chester, John Butler Conyngham, Thomas Isaac Franklin, William Walter Horton, The Honorable William Boyd Jacobs, Professor Edward VanSchoonhoven Kinsley, Chester Newell Righter, Dr. Elisha Bacon Shapleigh, Thomas DuBois Sherwood, Albert Everett Stetson, and Orson William Stow. At this meeting, the Fraternity's secret and open Greek mottos were devised, as were the lapel pin design and secret grip. The open motto becoming – "Kerothen Philoi Aei" – "Friends From The Heart, Forever."

Our History

Notable Alumni

United States Presidents

Rutherford B. Hayes, Kenyon
Theodore Roosevelt, Harvard
Gerald Ford, Michigan
George H. W. Bush, Yale
George W. Bush, Yale
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harvard

United States Vice Presidents

Dan Quayle, DePauw
Theodore Roosevelt, Harvard
Gerald Ford, Michigan
George H. W. Bush, Yale

Other Notable Alumni

Many American and Canadian politicians, businessmen, sports figures, and artists have been members, including Joe Paterno, Herb Kelleher, J.P. Morgan, Jr., William Randolph Hearst, Cole Porter, Brett Kavanaugh, Ron DeSantis, Bradley Palmer, Henry Cabot Lodge, Dick Clark, Tom Landry, David Milch, and George Steinbrenner. ΔΚΕ flags were carried to the North Pole by its discoverer, Admiral Robert Peary, and to the Moon by astronaut Alan Bean.

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