Top 12 Development Manager Skills to Put on Your Resume

In the competitive field of development management, showcasing a robust set of skills on your resume is crucial to standing out among other candidates. This article delves into the top 12 skills that development managers should highlight to demonstrate their prowess in leading projects, managing teams, and driving organizational success.

Top 12 Development Manager Skills to Put on Your Resume

Development Manager Skills

  1. Agile Methodology
  2. Scrum Management
  3. JIRA
  4. DevOps Practices
  5. Git Version Control
  6. Continuous Integration
  7. Docker Containers
  8. Kubernetes
  9. AWS Cloud Services
  10. SQL Databases
  11. JavaScript Frameworks
  12. Risk Assessment

1. Agile Methodology

Agile Methodology is a project management approach used by Development Managers that emphasizes flexibility, customer collaboration, and iterative progress in small increments, allowing for rapid response to change and continuous improvement in developing software products.

Why It's Important

Agile methodology is crucial for a Development Manager as it enables flexible and adaptive project management, encourages collaboration and customer feedback, and facilitates the timely delivery of high-quality products by breaking down complex tasks into manageable increments.

How to Improve Agile Methodology Skills

Improving Agile Methodology involves iterative development, continuous feedback, and adapting processes to enhance efficiency and product quality. As a Development Manager, you can focus on the following areas:

  1. Foster a Collaborative Culture: Encourage teamwork, open communication, and transparency among team members. Atlassian’s Team Playbook offers guides and exercises to build stronger teams.
  2. Embrace Change and Flexibility: Adapt processes and plans based on feedback and changing requirements. The Agile Alliance provides resources on principles that promote adaptability.
  3. Continuous Improvement: Implement retrospectives to learn from each iteration. has resources on conducting effective retrospectives.
  4. Customer Focus: Prioritize customer feedback and involve them in the development process. Lean Startup methodologies emphasize customer feedback and product iteration.
  5. Streamline Communication: Use tools and practices that enhance clear communication within and across teams. Slack and Trello are popular tools for agile teams.
  6. Enhance Technical Practices: Encourage practices like Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), Test-Driven Development (TDD), and Pair Programming. The Continuous Delivery website provides insights into improving development practices.
  7. Invest in Agile Training and Education: Provide training and resources for your team to understand and implement Agile principles effectively. Scrum Alliance offers certification and educational resources for Agile and Scrum.

By focusing on these areas, you can improve the Agile methodology within your organization, leading to more efficient processes, higher quality products, and satisfied customers.

How to Display Agile Methodology Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Agile Methodology Skills on Your Resume

2. Scrum Management

Scrum Management is a framework for agile project management that emphasizes teamwork, accountability, and iterative progress toward a well-defined goal. It involves managing the development process through short, structured work cycles called Sprints, prioritizing tasks, and adapting plans based on feedback and changing requirements. For a Development Manager, it means facilitating these processes, ensuring team collaboration, and guiding the team to efficiently deliver high-quality products.

Why It's Important

Scrum Management is important for a Development Manager because it fosters a flexible and adaptive project management approach, enabling teams to deliver high-quality products incrementally, manage changing priorities effectively, and enhance collaboration and communication, ultimately leading to improved project outcomes and customer satisfaction.

How to Improve Scrum Management Skills

Improving Scrum Management involves enhancing team collaboration, refining processes, and focusing on continuous improvement to deliver value more effectively. As a Development Manager, you can take several steps to achieve this:

  1. Foster Team Collaboration: Encourage open communication and active participation from all team members. Promote a culture of collective responsibility for the project's success. Scrum Alliance provides resources and community support to help in fostering this environment.
  2. Implement Continuous Feedback Loops: Utilize sprint reviews and retrospectives to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement. This practice helps in adapting and refining strategies for better outcomes. Mountain Goat Software offers insights on effectively conducting these sessions.
  3. Refine the Product Backlog: Ensure the product backlog is well-prioritized and clear. This clarity helps the team focus on delivering high-value features first. Atlassian has great tips on managing and refining the product backlog.
  4. Focus on Agile Metrics: Track and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) like velocity, sprint burndown, and release burndown to gauge the team's efficiency and productivity. Adjust strategies based on these insights. Agile Alliance offers resources on which metrics are most effective and how to use them.
  5. Invest in Continuous Learning: Encourage the team to continually learn and improve their skills. This can include Scrum training, workshops, or attending conferences. provides a variety of learning resources and certifications.

By focusing on these areas, you can significantly improve Scrum management in your team, leading to more efficient processes and successful project outcomes.

How to Display Scrum Management Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Scrum Management Skills on Your Resume


JIRA is a project management and issue tracking software designed to facilitate agile development and testing, allowing Development Managers to plan, track, and manage software development projects, tasks, and bugs effectively.

Why It's Important

JIRA is important for a Development Manager because it streamlines project management, bug tracking, and agile processes, enhancing team coordination, productivity, and the ability to meet deadlines efficiently.

How to Improve JIRA Skills

Improving JIRA for a Development Manager involves optimizing workflows, customizing dashboards, and enhancing team collaboration. Here’s how to achieve this:

  1. Optimize Workflows: Tailor JIRA workflows to match your team's development process. This includes creating statuses that reflect your project's lifecycle and setting up transitions to ensure smooth progression. Atlassian’s guide offers a comprehensive overview.
  2. Customize Dashboards: Personalize dashboards for better project visibility. Include gadgets that track sprint progress, issues, and reports relevant to the team's objectives. Customize your dashboard to keep important metrics front and center.
  3. Enhance Collaboration: Use JIRA’s commenting, @mentions, and sharing features to improve communication within the team and with stakeholders. Integrating JIRA with communication tools like Slack can further streamline workflows. Explore JIRA integrations for seamless collaboration.
  4. Leverage Automation: Automate repetitive tasks with JIRA’s automation engine to save time and reduce manual errors. This could include auto-assigning issues, updating statuses, or sending notifications. Atlassian’s automation documentation provides a starting point.
  5. Implement Agile Boards: Use Scrum or Kanban boards to visualize work and manage sprints or continuous flow, respectively. This helps in prioritizing tasks and tracking progress efficiently. Learn more about setting up boards in the official guide.
  6. Continuous Feedback and Training: Encourage regular feedback from your team on the JIRA setup and provide ongoing training to ensure they are leveraging all available features effectively. Atlassian University offers courses and tutorials.

By focusing on these areas, a Development Manager can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their team's use of JIRA.

How to Display JIRA Skills on Your Resume

How to Display JIRA Skills on Your Resume

4. DevOps Practices

DevOps practices are a set of methodologies aimed at improving collaboration, productivity, and efficiency across development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams. They focus on automation, continuous integration and delivery, monitoring, and quick feedback loops to enhance software development, deployment, and maintenance processes. This approach helps in reducing the time-to-market, minimizing errors, and improving product quality.

Why It's Important

DevOps practices are important for a Development Manager because they enhance collaboration between development and operations teams, accelerate delivery times, improve product quality, and ensure faster resolution of issues, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and business agility.

How to Improve DevOps Practices Skills

Improving DevOps practices involves a continuous effort to streamline development, deployment, and operational processes. Here are concise strategies aimed at a Development Manager, supported by external links:

  1. Implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Automate the integration of code changes and ensure that deployment to production is smooth and swift. Atlassian's CI/CD guide provides a solid foundation.
  2. Embrace Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Manage and provision infrastructure through code to increase efficiency and reduce human error. HashiCorp's Introduction to Terraform is a great starting point.
  3. Enhance Collaboration and Communication: Foster a culture that promotes collaboration between development and operations teams. DevOps Culture by Atlassian highlights key aspects.
  4. Implement Monitoring and Logging: Use tools to monitor system performance and log activities to quickly identify and address issues. Prometheus and ELK Stack are notable tools in this area.
  5. Focus on Security (DevSecOps): Integrate security practices early in the development cycle. OWASP's DevSecOps Guidelines offer comprehensive insights.
  6. Continuous Learning and Improvement: Encourage a learning culture and regularly review and refine practices based on feedback and metrics. Google's Site Reliability Engineering Book is an excellent resource for advanced operational strategies.

By methodically adopting these practices, a Development Manager can significantly improve their team's DevOps capabilities.

How to Display DevOps Practices Skills on Your Resume

How to Display DevOps Practices Skills on Your Resume

5. Git Version Control

Git Version Control is a distributed version control system that enables developers to track and manage changes to codebases, facilitating collaboration, version tracking, and efficient code merging.

Why It's Important

Git Version Control is crucial for a Development Manager because it facilitates team collaboration, maintains code history, enables multiple versions, and allows for efficient tracking and resolution of issues, ensuring smooth and efficient project progress.

How to Improve Git Version Control Skills

Improving Git version control involves adopting best practices and leveraging tools for efficiency and clarity. Here are concise recommendations:

  1. Commit Often, Push Less: Encourage small, frequent commits to track changes accurately but push after verification to maintain a clean history. Commit Guidelines
  2. Branching Strategy: Implement a branching strategy like Git Flow or GitHub Flow to streamline development and release processes. Comparing Workflows
  3. Code Review: Utilize Pull Requests (PRs) for code review to ensure code quality and maintainability. GitHub Pull Requests
  4. Automate with CI/CD: Integrate Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) tools to automate testing and deployment, reducing errors. GitLab CI/CD
  5. Use Git Hooks: Leverage Git hooks for automated checks (e.g., pre-commit hooks for code style checks). Git Hooks
  6. Educate Your Team: Ensure your team understands Git basics and advanced features through training and shared resources. Pro Git Book
  7. Version Control Policies: Establish clear policies for commit messages, branch naming, and merge strategies to maintain a clean and navigable repository. Effective Git Policies
  8. Regular Housekeeping: Encourage periodic review and cleanup of branches and merges to keep the repository efficient and relevant. Repository Management

By implementing these practices and encouraging their adoption, you can significantly improve the efficacy and clarity of your Git version control system.

How to Display Git Version Control Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Git Version Control Skills on Your Resume

6. Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration (CI) is a development practice where developers frequently merge their code changes into a central repository, automatically triggering a series of tests to ensure those changes do not break the existing codebase, aiming to enhance code quality and enable faster delivery.

Why It's Important

Continuous Integration (CI) is crucial as it automates the integration of code changes, enabling early detection of problems, enhancing code quality, and accelerating the delivery process, thereby reducing time to market and increasing team productivity.

How to Improve Continuous Integration Skills

Improving Continuous Integration (CI) involves enhancing automation, maintaining code quality, and ensuring efficient collaboration among team members. Below are concise steps tailored for a Development Manager to improve CI processes:

  1. Automate Everything: Automate the build, testing, and deployment processes to reduce manual errors and save time. Tools like Jenkins or GitHub Actions can be pivotal.
  2. Maintain Code Quality: Use static code analysis tools, such as SonarQube, to automatically review code for potential errors and maintain coding standards.
  3. Frequent Commits: Encourage your team to make small, frequent commits. This reduces integration conflicts and makes identifying bugs easier.
  4. Implement Branching Strategies: Use branching strategies like GitFlow or GitHub Flow to streamline development and integration processes.
  5. Test Automation: Automate testing to catch bugs early. Integrate tools like Selenium for UI testing or JUnit for unit testing in your CI pipeline.
  6. Feedback Loops: Implement tools that provide immediate feedback on the integration process, such as Slack for notifications.
  7. Monitor and Optimize: Continuously monitor the CI process using tools like Datadog or New Relic and optimize pipelines for speed and efficiency.
  8. Education and Training: Keep your team updated with the latest CI/CD practices and tools through regular training sessions.

By focusing on these areas, a Development Manager can significantly improve the CI process, enhancing productivity and software quality.

How to Display Continuous Integration Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Continuous Integration Skills on Your Resume

7. Docker Containers

Docker Containers are lightweight, standalone, executable software packages that include everything needed to run a piece of software, including the code, runtime, system tools, libraries, and settings. They ensure that software runs reliably when moved from one computing environment to another, facilitating development, delivery, and deployment processes.

Why It's Important

Docker containers offer a consistent, isolated, and lightweight environment for applications, simplifying development, testing, and deployment processes across different environments, ensuring that software runs reliably when moved from one computing environment to another. This enhances productivity, reduces infrastructure and maintenance costs, and accelerates delivery timelines.

How to Improve Docker Containers Skills

Improving Docker containers involves enhancing performance, security, and manageability to streamline development processes. Here are concise strategies tailored for a Development Manager:

  1. Optimize Container Images: Use smaller base images like Alpine Linux to reduce build time and attack surface. Docker Best Practices for Writing Dockerfiles
  2. Manage Resources: Limit container resources (CPU, memory) to improve system stability. Runtime options with Memory, CPUs, and GPUs
  3. Implement Health Checks: Utilize Docker health checks to ensure containerized applications are running smoothly. Healthcheck instruction
  4. Secure Containers: Scan for vulnerabilities with tools like Clair and implement least privilege principles. Docker Security Scanning
  5. Use Multi-Stage Builds: Keep images lean by separating the build environment from the runtime environment. Use multi-stage builds
  6. Leverage Docker Compose: Simplify configuration and management of multiple containers. Overview of Docker Compose
  7. Implement Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Use Docker in CI/CD pipelines for consistent environments from development to production. Docker in CI/CD
  8. Monitor Container Performance: Utilize tools like Prometheus and Grafana for real-time monitoring. Docker and Prometheus
  9. Utilize Orchestration Tools: Manage, scale, and deploy containers efficiently with Kubernetes or Docker Swarm. Kubernetes
  10. Continuous Learning: Stay updated with Docker and containerization trends and best practices. Docker Blog

Implementing these strategies can significantly improve the efficiency, security, and manageability of Docker containers in your development environment.

How to Display Docker Containers Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Docker Containers Skills on Your Resume

8. Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a platform for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, enabling efficient deployment and operation of applications at scale.

Why It's Important

Kubernetes is crucial for Development Managers as it automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, ensuring consistent and efficient delivery of software across various environments, thus significantly improving development speed and operational reliability.

How to Improve Kubernetes Skills

Improving Kubernetes management and performance involves a strategic approach focused on optimizing cluster operations, enhancing security, and ensuring efficient resource utilization. As a Development Manager, consider the following concise strategies:

  1. Cluster Monitoring and Logging: Implement comprehensive monitoring and logging solutions like Prometheus and Fluentd to track cluster performance and troubleshoot issues effectively.
  2. Resource Optimization: Use tools like Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and Vertical Pod Autoscaler to automatically adjust resources based on demand, ensuring efficient resource use.
  3. Security Best Practices: Implement strong security measures, including using RBAC, regularly scanning images for vulnerabilities with tools like Clair, and encrypting data at rest and in transit.
  4. Continuous Education: Keep the team updated with the latest Kubernetes features and best practices through resources like the Kubernetes Blog and CNCF webinars.
  5. Effective CI/CD Integration: Integrate Kubernetes with CI/CD pipelines to automate deployment processes. Tools like Jenkins X and Argo CD can streamline deployments and rollbacks, improving development efficiency.
  6. Adopt GitOps: Implement GitOps practices using tools like Flux to manage cluster configurations and applications declaratively, enhancing the reproducibility and auditability of deployments.

By focusing on these areas, you can significantly improve the efficiency, security, and reliability of your Kubernetes clusters.

How to Display Kubernetes Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Kubernetes Skills on Your Resume

9. AWS Cloud Services

AWS Cloud Services is a comprehensive, scalable, and secure cloud computing platform offered by Amazon, providing a wide range of services including computing power, storage options, and networking capabilities, designed to help businesses build, deploy, and scale applications and infrastructure efficiently.

Why It's Important

AWS Cloud Services is crucial for a Development Manager because it provides scalable, flexible, and cost-effective infrastructure solutions, enabling rapid development and deployment of applications, fostering innovation, and reducing time-to-market.

How to Improve AWS Cloud Services Skills

Improving AWS Cloud Services involves strategic planning, optimization, and leveraging AWS's broad spectrum of tools. Here are some concise steps tailored for a Development Manager:

  1. Optimize Costs: Use the AWS Pricing Calculator to estimate and plan your costs efficiently. Implement cost-saving practices like selecting appropriate instances, using Reserved Instances, and auto-scaling to match demand.
  2. Enhance Security: Regularly audit your environment with AWS Security Hub to consolidate security alerts and improve your security posture. Implement identity and access management policies to control access to resources.
  3. Improve Performance: Utilize Amazon CloudWatch to monitor the performance of your AWS services and applications. Optimize performance based on the insights provided.
  4. Automate Deployments: Implement CI/CD pipelines using AWS CodePipeline to automate your release processes, ensuring faster and more reliable deployments.
  5. Leverage Serverless Technologies: Explore and adopt serverless services like AWS Lambda to run code without provisioning or managing servers, which can significantly reduce operational burden and cost.
  6. Stay Updated and Educate Your Team: Regularly visit the AWS What’s New page to stay informed about the latest services and features. Encourage your team to pursue AWS training and certifications to enhance their skills.
  7. Use Well-Architected Framework: Follow the AWS Well-Architected Framework to evaluate and improve your cloud architecture's security, reliability, performance efficiency, and cost optimization.

By focusing on these areas, Development Managers can significantly improve the efficiency, performance, and cost-effectiveness of their AWS Cloud Services.

How to Display AWS Cloud Services Skills on Your Resume

How to Display AWS Cloud Services Skills on Your Resume

10. SQL Databases

SQL databases are structured data storage systems that allow for the efficient querying, updating, and management of data using the Structured Query Language (SQL). They are essential for organizing and retrieving data in a relational format, supporting transactions and ensuring data integrity in application development.

Why It's Important

SQL databases are crucial for efficiently storing, retrieving, and managing structured data, enabling robust data integrity, security, and scalable access for applications, critical for informed decision-making and operational effectiveness in software development.

How to Improve SQL Databases Skills

Improving SQL databases involves optimizing their performance, security, and maintainability. Here’s a concise guide:

  1. Performance Tuning: Focus on indexing strategies, query optimization, and database normalization. Use tools like SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for Microsoft SQL Server or EXPLAIN PLAN for Oracle to analyze and optimize queries.
  2. Partitioning: Splitting large tables into smaller, more manageable pieces can significantly improve query performance and maintenance.
  3. Regular Maintenance: Implement routines for updating statistics, rebuilding indexes, and database consistency checks.
  4. Monitoring: Use monitoring tools to track performance metrics and identify bottlenecks. Prometheus and Grafana are popular options for visualizing SQL database metrics.
  5. Security Measures: Implement encryption, both at rest and in transit, and conduct regular security audits. Ensure that access controls are strictly enforced. Microsoft's guidelines and Oracle's security best practices offer detailed recommendations.
  6. Backup and Recovery Plans: Regularly test backup and recovery procedures to ensure data integrity and availability.
  7. Use of Cloud Services: Consider leveraging cloud services like Amazon RDS, Azure SQL Database, or Google Cloud SQL for scalability, managed services, and high availability.
  8. Continuous Education: Stay updated with the latest best practices and technologies. Websites like and Brent Ozar's blog offer valuable insights.

By focusing on these areas, a Development Manager can significantly improve the performance, security, and reliability of SQL databases.

How to Display SQL Databases Skills on Your Resume

How to Display SQL Databases Skills on Your Resume

11. JavaScript Frameworks

JavaScript frameworks are pre-written, reusable code libraries that provide a structured foundation for developers to build dynamic web applications efficiently, ensuring faster development cycles, consistent code quality, and scalable solutions.

Why It's Important

JavaScript frameworks provide a structured foundation for developing web applications, enhancing productivity, ensuring code consistency, and facilitating maintainability. They enable rapid development by offering pre-built components and tools, which reduces development time and allows for focusing on business logic rather than boilerplate code. This leads to improved project scalability, easier debugging, and a more collaborative environment for development teams.

How to Improve JavaScript Frameworks Skills

Improving JavaScript frameworks involves a multifaceted approach focusing on performance, usability, documentation, and community support. Here are concise strategies tailored for a Development Manager:

  1. Benchmark Performance: Regularly benchmark framework performance against competitors and optimize code paths for speed and efficiency. Utilize tools like Lighthouse for performance insights.
  2. Enhance Documentation: Ensure comprehensive, clear, and up-to-date documentation. Consider platforms like Docusaurus to manage and deploy documentation easily.
  3. Community Engagement: Foster a vibrant community through forums, social media, and contribution guides. Platforms like GitHub and Discord are crucial for engagement and support.
  4. Adopt Semantic Versioning: Use semantic versioning to communicate changes clearly and help developers manage dependencies effectively.
  5. Focus on Security: Regularly audit the framework for vulnerabilities using tools like Snyk and address issues promptly.
  6. Encourage Contributions: Make it easy for developers to contribute with clear guidelines and an inclusive environment. Tools like GitHub can facilitate contributions through pull requests and issues.
  7. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Implement CI/CD pipelines to automate testing and deployment processes. Jenkins and GitHub Actions are powerful tools for these purposes.
  8. Modular Architecture: Design the framework to be modular, allowing developers to pick and choose components they need. This reduces bloat and improves usability.
  9. Accessibility Compliance: Ensure the framework supports accessibility standards out of the box. Tools like aXe can audit for accessibility compliance.
  10. Offer Migration Tools: Provide tools and guides to help developers migrate from older versions or competing frameworks easily. This lowers the barrier to adoption.

By focusing on these areas, a Development Manager can significantly improve the quality, usability, and community engagement of a JavaScript framework, ensuring it remains competitive and relevant in the fast-evolving web development landscape.

How to Display JavaScript Frameworks Skills on Your Resume

How to Display JavaScript Frameworks Skills on Your Resume

12. Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is the process of identifying, analyzing, and evaluating potential risks that could negatively impact a project's objectives, timeline, or resources, enabling a Development Manager to devise strategies to mitigate or manage those risks effectively.

Why It's Important

Risk assessment is crucial for a Development Manager as it identifies potential issues that could jeopardize project success, enabling proactive measures to mitigate risks, ensure timely delivery, and optimize resource allocation and budget management.

How to Improve Risk Assessment Skills

Improving Risk Assessment involves a strategic approach tailored to identify, evaluate, and mitigate potential risks in a project. Here are concise steps a Development Manager can follow:

  1. Identify Risks: Start with brainstorming and listing all possible risks using tools like SWOT Analysis. MindTools provides a detailed guide on conducting SWOT Analysis.
  2. Analyze Risks: Evaluate the likelihood and impact of each risk. Techniques like Risk Matrix can help in categorizing these risks based on their severity.
  3. Prioritize Risks: Focus on risks that have both a high likelihood of occurring and the potential for significant impact. The Project Management Institute offers insights on effective risk prioritization.
  4. Develop Mitigation Strategies: For each high-priority risk, develop a plan to mitigate, transfer, avoid, or accept the risk. ASQ provides a comprehensive guide on risk mitigation strategies.
  5. Monitor and Review: Regularly review and adjust your risk management plan as the project progresses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers a framework for monitoring and evaluating projects that can be adapted for risk management.
  6. Communicate: Keep all stakeholders informed about risks and your plans to address them. Harvard Business Review discusses effective ways to communicate risk.

Implementing these steps will help in creating a robust risk assessment process, ensuring that potential issues are identified and managed proactively.